
Stay informed and ahead of the curve with announcements & news from Epiphany Group and it’s Ecosystem.

Annual General Meeting

Explore our Annual General Meeting (AGM) section for the latest updates, details, future plans.

AGM Details (2024):


2024-04-06BraemoreBraemore Hosting a 90s Night Charity EventVisit
2024-04-03EpiphanyEpiphany launches new websiteVisit
2024-03-28LegacyLegacy releases first episode of "Legacy Unveiled" seriesVisit
2024-03-21LegacyLegacy releases sixth episode of "Building Our Legacy" seriesVisit
2024-03-21AceraAcera raises awareness for World Down Syndrome DayVisit

Social Media

Explore the Epiphany Group and Give One social media feed, featuring posts, stories, and significant highlights.

Contact Us

For any inquiries or to learn more about how we can work together, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.